December 04, 2008

Advice for breakfast?

"No one likes to be told to grow up. It's insulting. But these are always the answers. They will always be the answers. The only answers. There will never be any other answers. Grow up. Behave responsibly. Fight for your rights. Take care of yourself and each other. Be proud of yourself ...

"You know, it isn't meant to be easy, life. I don't know why it isn't meant to be easy, but it just isn't, so we might as well get used to it and try to find things that give us a certain sense of pride. We must create ourselves as something we can live with."

- Larry Kramer

I think I need to read that every day when I wake up, just as a reminder. And then every hour or so. A couple times before bed. Maybe get it tattooed on my arm so I have to read it whenever I reach for anything.

How can I not love a man who got banned from his local grocery store? How awesome is that? I tend to idolize people who radiate conviction, in the hope that it's contagious.

1 comment:

shelbi said...

seriously...I LOVE what he quoted. this man is brilliant. i have chills. and he was banned from his grocery store! LMAO!

gotta love that! can i steal this quote for my own blog? ?? i love it so much!


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