April 02, 2009

Re: Dumb Things

Most of the time, stupidity makes you want to strike out in strange and violent ways. Like when I used to imagine slapping customers across the face with a stapler when I worked at that place that time...those places, those times. Or just whenever I encountered stupidity and staplers in the same room. But sometimes, you get the Golden Ticket of Stupidity. So in response to Pickles On Pizza's most recent post, here's my all time favorite run in with stupidity.

About 2 years ago, Gord and I had a 2 for 1 movie pass. We went to the Westhills cinema near our old apartment, and handed the girl at the ticket counter our 2 for 1 pass, and we had our debit card out and ready to pay. She hands us two tickets and looks at us like we're stupid. We say...

"Shouldn't we have to pay something?"

She studies the pass for a moment with a furrowed brow. I imagine her brain has been feasting on pop music, text messages and entertainment news for so long that this task does indeed require 2 full minutes.

"Nope," she says, "Cause it says 2 for 1, so you're good."


Yes. Yes, it does. We bought extra snacks with the money we didn't pay to watch the movie.


Angela said...


I hear so much stupid stuff everyday. I decided to start sharing it before I forget it!

Yes I have the "Slapping the customers" fantasy too. Instead, I have perfected a look and very dead pan tone of voice to respond to stupidity. It cracks me up and they are too stupid to realize I am being a smart ass.

Angela said...

Hey Lisa!!

I am not sure if you have ever read this blog...I thought you might enjoy it.


Lisa said...

I will check it out, always looking for new ways to avoid homework!


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